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The Bakery’s highest priority during the current pandemic is

the health and welfare of our employees and customers.
Rest assured that we will follow all applicable protocols established by the County

for food facilities (including requiring our staff and customers to properly wear

face coverings, practice physical distancing, and to frequently wash their

hands with soap and water), and will put in place

expanded protocols as we feel necessary.

Our staff has been provided with this information, received in-person training, 

signed acknowledgements confirming they understand these protocols.

Our supervisors will diligently monitor our operations for compliance.

Our lobby is currently open to 10 customers inside at a time.

We have additional protocols in place to ensure the safety of our customers. 



We will continue to actively monitor the current public health situation, as well as governmental directives and guidance, and make adjustments to our operations as and when necessary for the health and welfare of our employees and customers.


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